Community Feast Day 2021

Community Feast Day 2021

Community Feast Day is an important annual celebration in the Farnborough Hill calendar.

It is the day upon which we are reminded of the vows four young women took over 200 years ago, in post-Revolutionary France, to dedicate their lives to God and to educating girls through the Religious of Christian Education; the Order upon which Farnborough Hill was established in 1889.

It was with great pleasure that we united with the RCE Sisters on Friday 19 November to celebrate on their Community Feast Day. Today, the Sisters live in various parts of the world but our online sharing of the day’s events allowed us to all come together.

The Sisters have been focusing on the climate change challenges, the Season of Creation, and Pope Francis’ letter 'Laudato Si' about 'caring for our common home’. As a school, we study the impact we are making on the world’s climate and the ways that we can all unite to secure a cleaner and greener future. This, together with the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26) having taken place earlier this month in Glasgow, provided an appropriate theme for this year’s Community Feast Day.

We began the day with Assembly, whereby handmade cards were brought up to be sent to the Sisters and pupils were reminded of the RCE’s origins. Following on from this, Mass was observed in the Chapel, presided over by Fr Tony Sultana, sdb for the final time as we reluctantly accepted his requested to retire after more than two decades of dedicated service to the School.

The day’s celebrations concluded with entertainment organised by Mrs Lori Winch-Johnson, which was broadcast to pupils and Sisters watching from around the world. Our thanks go to Mr Tim Perkins, who filmed and edited the entertainment which focussed on the theme of climate change and included UVI student Renée’s recitation of her poem ‘a united solution’ at COP26 and addresses from ‘Laudato Si’. Also included were the winners of the art and poetry climate challenge competitions that were held to mark this year’s Community Feast Day celebrations.