Senior Choir at Windsor

Senior Choir at Windsor

Dr Ian Taylor, Director of Music, reports:

With the news of a royal wedding in the same week making Windsor Castle the place to be, it was particularly exciting for Senior Choir to sing Choral Evensong at St George’ s Chapel, within the grounds of the Castle, on Wednesday 29 November 2017.

40 singers were lucky enough to become part of an ancient tradition of singing for this service and rose to the challenge with aplomb.

The music included Canticles by Thomas Ayleward and Haydn’s rousing anthem The Heavens are Telling, the latter with a beautifully judged solo from Head of Senior Choir, Emma (13DAV)

The girls approached this whole project with personal and musical maturity and were a credit to themselves and the school. Whether we get a call to perform again in May remains to be seen!