Farnborough Hill once again received top marks for both the academic achievement and development of its pupils, and for their personal development, following the 2022 Independent Schools Inspectorate (ISI) inspection.

Every aspect of school life was reviewed, and the School earned the highest possible gradings of ‘excellent’ for educational quality, both academic and personal. Evidence was obtained from pupils, parents and staff and from widespread first-hand observations by the ISI inspection team, appointed by the Department for Education to monitor standards in the independent schools sector.

In addition to its ‘excellent’ educational ratings, Farnborough Hill also met all the required standards following its Regulatory Compliance Inspection.

Students in an IT and computing class.

Ms Alexandra Callaghan, Head at the time of inspection, commented:

I am absolutely delighted that the inspectors witnessed and reflected what we see every day: that our young people are quite simply thriving through our accompaniment, and can achieve the very best of themselves at Farnborough Hill.

We are extremely proud of the hard work, motivation and commitment of our pupils, staff and families in providing the best possible environment and opportunities for the girls to flourish and succeed, no matter their gifts and passions.

Positive comments from the ISI report include:

Pupils’ achievement in a wide range of curricular and co-curricular activities is excellent.

Pupils have very positive attitudes to learning. They are highly motivated, keen to do well and delight in others’ achievements. Pupils are highly conscientious and display an excellent work ethic. They approach their studies with energy and determination, relishing the opportunities to work collaboratively.

Across the school, [pupils] display a thirst for knowledge that is contagious. Pupils aim high and work hard to achieve their ambitions. They know how to improve their learning and are determined to excel. They support each other well.

Pupils of all ages demonstrate outstanding communication skills. They are articulate and enjoy communicating with each other and adults. There is a real desire to get involved in lessons, share ideas and listen to the views of others.

Pupils are highly confident and aware of their strengths, approaching their studies with resilience and self-discipline.

There is an ethos of kindness and social awareness that percolates through the school. This successfully encourages pupils to respond positively to need, accept and fulfil responsibility, and understand others’ needs in society and the wider world.

Pupils demonstrate maturity in their decision-making and have high personal standards.

Pupils have a highly developed appreciation of the non-material aspects of life.

The pupils are confident and relaxed with each other and respectful and polite towards adults, including visitors. They socialise well and show respect for staff and each other. Their outstanding behaviour has a very positive impact on pupils’ learning and contributes to the mature, studious, yet relaxed and fun environment.

… pupils realise the importance of having and keeping a healthy and happy balanced lifestyle and the need to talk.