At Farnborough Hill, we aim to unleash the power and potential of all our pupils and develop inquisitive learners who find joy in exploring the breadth and depth of our curriculum.

Senior student at Farnborough Hill School reading a book with friends in the library.

Years 7 and 8

Be curious in Year 7 and 8. Be ready to explore and learn all the new subjects on offer at Farnborough Hill. From Latin to Library lessons, French to Food Tech, Drama to DT and Science to Sports – embrace it all, try it ALL.

Our broad and balanced curriculum is the foundation of the whole-person education we offer; pupils get to try every subject, discovering new loves and deepening their exploration of those interests they already have. We ignite passion, embrace knowledge and match their boundless enthusiasm as they broaden their horizons at the start of the senior school journey.

Year 9

Be empowered in Year 9. At the end of Year 8, pupils will have made the first choices that will shape their futures. They have a good idea of what they enjoy most and so, with their parents and teachers, they make their first option choices. This allows their day to be filled with subjects they are most interested in and have a passion for – this degree of choice over what they learn helps pupils stay engaged and wanting to learn, they maintain their younger self’s enthusiasm and joy of learning.

The GCSE courses start for some subjects in Year 9; with more time to teach the course content, teachers can explore deeper, recap more thoroughly and better prepare their pupils for the first set of public exams. For others, Year 9 is a foundation year to explore topics which enhance skills, such as essay-writing and research which gives the girls a running start to the GCSE course.

Senior students in academic classes at Farnborough Hill School.

GCSE students in Science class at Farnborough Hill School.


Pupils hone their subject choices down further at the end of Year 9, allowing more time for each of their GCSE options.  The core subjects, Maths, English Literature and Language, RE and Combined Science are studied alongside their final option subjects, and decisions are made in conjunction with pupils, parents and staff. Those looking for additional stretch can explore our Extra-Curricular options with Further Maths, Ancient Greek and Modern Languages on offer.

Throughout the GCSE courses, we want our girls to be inspired. Keeping the passion ignited throughout these years of change and head-down focus is a challenge our teachers are well equipped for: they are experts in educating girls, in creating empowering, inspirational female-centred safe learning spaces for growth, for fun, and sometimes for learning through failure.

The smaller class sizes and streamed teaching sets in virtually all subjects means the girls have some autonomy over the pace and even content of the lessons. It also means they can be seen, be known and be supported to achieve their very best. Feedback via OneNote is speedy and two-way, and pupil tracking is second nature to the teachers – concerns can be spotted early, and support and guidance offered swiftly.

Trips, seminars and visiting speakers add dimension to the curriculum, bringing lessons to life outside the classroom and creating memorable moments to draw upon in those all-important exams.
