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Last Thursday, we had the pleasure of hosting Marguerite Gorby, Principal of Our Lady's School Terenure in Dublin. Founded in 1953, Our Lady's School Terenure shares a special connection with Farnborough Hill, as both schools were established by the Religious of Christian Education. Our Headmistress, Mrs Maria Young, was very interested to hear about the challenges and joys of education in Ireland, some of the things that make the school day very different (including a flourishing Camogie culture and Irish language classes) and to learn more about the approaches being taken in Our Lady’s to current issues of wellbeing and mental health. Our sister school sent us some gifts to commemorate the visit and a letter from the students, telling us about their charity initiatives, their recent trips and activities. We very much look forward to building a stronger relationship with them in the future and working towards some partnership projects.
Marguerite's visit held historical significance, as she became the first representative from Our Lady's School Terenure to tour Farnborough Hill. Mrs Young plans to return the visit during the Autumn Term.